NURSERY MINISTRYOur nursery facilities are fully equipped and staffed by trained volunteers. They are committed to your child's well-being and growth. Parents can have peace of mind while they attend one of the adult Bible classes or one of the services. Volunteers who work with children are carefully, screened, and trained.
CHILDREN'S MINISTRYKids are welcome to join in! We have a ton of fun stuff going on here. We get to learn about the life of Jesus and the Bible, while often digging into some games and activities.
ADULT MINISTRYAdult ministry is a chance for a group of adults to come together and have a chance to join in fellowship with one another. Spouses are welcome to come together as this is open to all adults.
Each year through participating in Faith Promise Missions within our church we have been enabled to extend the reach of our worldwide missions ministry. At present we support the work of 9 missionaries around the world on a monthly basis.
Music Ministry
We believe in and practice a traditional style of music, not because we could do nothing else, but because we have found that the old hymns and spiritual songs of the faith have a deep meaning, and a profound impact upon the spirit when we tune our hearts to their message and our attention to God.